


Holy Hashtags!

What exactly is the deal with those darn little social media tic-tac-toe looking thingies nobody will stop talking about? Learn everything you need to know about hashtags to start chatting it up with all your peeps on social media.

Sun, Fun, Family

Sun’s out! School’s out! Hopefully your sanity is still reigned in!

Giving Back at Jazzercise Live 2015

Each night 5,000 children and their families in Dallas, Texas will not have a safe place to sleep. We set out to help change that. Check out what we did.

Be Present

Feeling distracted?  It’s easier than ever to communicate and get our hands on information but with all the distractions it’s harder than ever to focus. Here are a few ways I’ve found to help me live in the moment.

We Were Fired Up in Dallas!

There was no shortage of attendees at Jazzercise Live this year as 1,800 people from around the world came together for an epic weekend full of great times and unforgettable memories.

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