July 2024

Is HIIT right for you? Why HIIT Workouts Are Good for Everyone

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Is HIIT right for you? Why HIIT Workouts Are Good for Everyone

Women doing Jazzercise HIIT workouts

Why HIIT Workouts Are Good for Everyone: Exploring the Universal Benefits

HIIT workouts are an AMAZING way to see progress in your fitness journey. They’re fast, flexible, and so very effective. But there is a right way and a wrong way to do HIIT. We explore this workout style and how to go about HIIT workouts safely and effectively.

Jazzercise FitPro Emily Newlands says, "I love HIIT workouts because they are so motivating mentally. You know there's a recovery period after each tough part, so you can give each high-intensity boost your all!"

What is HIIT? 

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. It is a specific type of cardio workout style comprised of short bursts of intense exercise, followed by short periods of rest, followed by another short burst of high intensity. This pattern continues until the end of the workout, which should typically be 30 minutes or less. 

These intervals and rest times are key to understanding how HIIT differs from traditional cardio workouts. The goal is to elevate your heart rate above 80% of your absolute maximum during each high-intensity round and give it time to recover during rest periods. This structure is the key factor in HIIT's effective workout style. 

Benefits of HIIT Workouts:

So, what’s all the fuss about with HIIT? Why do so many people swear by it as their preferred form of exercise? It’s all about the benefits! 

The benefits of HIIT exercise are incredible. Let’s break it down: 

  • Improved cardiovascular health - Multiple studies have shown how HIIT workouts can improve your body’s oxygen consumption (which has traditionally been done with long endurance style workouts) and also reduce your heart rate and blood pressure. These reasons alone should be convincing enough to try out HIIT today - it’s SO good for your major organs! 
  • Efficient calorie burning - Simply put, you can burn more calories in a shorter amount of time with HIIT workouts. One study found that HIIT exercise burned 20-30% more calories in the same time as other exercise types like weight lifting, biking, or running. 
  • Muscle building and fat loss - HIIT has been shown to help burn fat AND add muscle mass, especially if you were less active to begin with. It’s a great jumpstart to changing your body composition! 
  • Time efficiency - HIIT is a time hack for exercise! It’s designed to be highly efficient in shorter bursts of time. If you’re pressed for time, HIIT is the way to go. 
  • Metabolic boost - HIIT is the gift that keeps on giving! Studies show that HIIT workouts boost your metabolism for hours after working out, more so than even jogging or weight training. 

Is HIIT Suitable for Everyone?

Yes! HIIT is for everyone, as long as you adapt HIIT to meet your current fitness level. 

You can always start slower and shorter, and then work your way up from there. You want to give your heart, lungs, and muscles time to adjust to this new workout format. 

To prevent injury, be sure to prioritize proper warm-ups, cool-downs, and form during your workouts. 

Customizing HIIT Workouts For Different Fitness Levels

Need to adjust your HIIT style workout to meet your current needs? Here are some ideas for making HIIT work for you: 

  • If you’re just getting started. 
    • If you’re new to HIIT, we recommend adjusting the intensity of the exercise you’re doing during the intervals or the duration of the interval until you’re used to the rhythm and intensity of HIIT.
  • If you have a specific goal in mind.
    • Want to build muscle? Choose a strength-focused HIIT exercise. Want to build endurance? Choose a cardio-focused HIIT workout. Want to burn fat? Choose a HIIT workout that blends the two. 
  • If you have bad knees. 
    • Even with knee issues, you can still do HIIT. Just make sure to make low-impact modifications during workouts so you don’t risk further injury. It’s still worth doing, though! You can strengthen your knees with HIIT workouts to prevent re-injury. 
  • If you’re pregnant. 
    • Like all exercise while pregnant, HIIT is safe with modifications. Before exercising, speak to a doctor and a FitPro to learn which modifications would be best for you during pregnancy. Once you’re armed with the right knowledge, start moving! Your body will thank you during and after pregnancy. 
  • If you’re older. 
    • HIIT isn’t just for the young but for our wiser crowd, too! To protect your joints and bones, we recommend making adjustments that focus on mobility and endurance if you’re older. 


Ready to start experiencing the MANY benefits of HIIT? Designed by our FitPros to check every box, you’ll love the ease, the benefits, and that feel-good feeling when you experience the power of HIIT. Let’s put HIIT into action! On Demand's 10-Minute HIIT Series 2 Collection is available for purchase, no subscription required. Get access to 5 quick and effective workouts for all the benefits of a highly effective workout in a fraction of the time. Learn more here!


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