


Protein Pros - Are you Getting Enough in your Diet?

When it comes to maintaining and building muscle, there are countless benefits of protein. But how much protein do you need in your daily diet?

Drench Your Heart in Liquid Love

Is diet cola part of your daily diet regimen? With its low calorie count, it may seem like a healthy choice. But trading in that low-calorie soft drink for a little spice and sizzle will help keep your heart strong and healthy.

Kick-Start Your Nutrition Plan

The holidays are over, and even though we tried our best, one too many cocktails or sweet temptations may have breached our lips. It’s okay. It happens. Jazzercise Founder and CEO Judi Sheppard Missett says don’t be too hard on yourself, shake it off and kick-start 2013 with a fresh nutrition and fitness outlook.  

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