February 2013

Winter Proof Your Beauty Regimen

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Winter Proof Your Beauty Regimen

Beauty Tips For Winter

Protect your skin from the cold, dry air of winter by trying this weekly, at home spa treatment. These steps can take the edge off itchy, dry skin and leave it feeling hydrated, soft and smooth.
Steamy, Dreamy Face
Homemade facial steams are a relaxing way to hydrate your skin. Simply boil two cups of water in a large stockpot, remove from heat, and add several scented tea bags. Chamomile, mint, rose and jasmine are lovely additions. Place the pot on the table, put your face 12 inches above it, and cover your head with a towel. Set a timer for 10 minutes, and breathe in the warm, scented steam. Hop in the shower to wash and exfoliate.
Smooth Hands and Feet
Inexpensive foot smoothers can be purchased at the drug store. Make sure to get one with a coarse grit on one side, and medium grit on the other. At the end of your shower, use the course grit on your feet, followed by a polish with the medium grit. Exfoliate the skin around your fingernails with the medium grit.
A Sleek, Sexy Sheen
A hard loofa may look alien, but it’s actually the dried insides of a tropical cucumber. Once in the shower, it softens up and makes a fantastic scrub. Make sure to use it at the end of your shower, and run it along your arms and legs, under your breasts and across your backside. You’ll remove dead skin, which over time can turn into skin tags.  
Polish Your Pucker
After your shower, make a paste with lip balm and granulated sugar. Scrub it onto your lips using a circular motion for one minute before rinsing off. Apply a moisturizing lip balm that contains SPF and natural oils such as shea butter, coconut oil or beeswax.
Afterwards, swaddle your body, hands and feet with a rich and creamy body butter, and treat your face to a regenerating moisturizer.

Written By: Judi Sheppard Missett, Jazzercise Founder & CEO
Date: 2/5/2013

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