March 2015

St. Patrick’s Day Low Calorie Green Drinks

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St. Patrick’s Day Low Calorie Green Drinks

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with healthy green drinks that won’t tank your New Year’s resolutions. This year, we are swapping green food coloring for emerald plants and alcohol for nutrients. They’re so good, you may do an Irish jig, smile wide and say, “A bird with one wing can’t fly,” which is a Celtic saying to encourage a second drink!

The healing powers of green leafy vegetables are many. Ingesting chlorophyll, the pigment that makes plants green, increases oxygen levels throughout the body while removing carbon dioxide. Try juicing 1-inch of fresh, organic ginger with 3 (packed) cups of spinach leaves and 2 oranges.

The scent of jasmine evokes tropical evenings in faraway places. When it’s combined with green tea, it’s a magic elixir. Drinking two cups of tea daily has been found to reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by 25 percent. Green tea is packed with more than 700 beneficial chemicals including antioxidants.

Chard is high in antioxidants, and a good source of fiber, potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium and copper. Adding citrus juice enhances iron absorption. In smoothies, chard pairs well with bananas, pineapple, orange juice, apples, or pears. Try combining 8-ounces of water with 1/4 avocado, juice from 1/2 lime, one frozen banana and 1/2 cup frozen strawberries and blend until creamy. Add two large chard leaves and stems and blend on high for another 30 seconds, or until bright green and silky smooth.

Algae have been an excellent source of nutrients for many ancient cultures. Spirulina, dried blue-green algae, is a fantastic source of antioxidants, protein, vitamins C, E, and K, several B vitamins as well as essential minerals. Studies show that blue-green algae have beneficial effects on blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels as well as anticancer properties.

If you like things spicy, try juicing a jalapeño with 1 medium cucumber, 4 kale leaves, 1 large carrot, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 lime (flesh only) and 3 celery stalks. Jalapeño offers vitamin C and capsicum, which increases oxygen consumption and metabolism. Celery is packed with anti-inflammatory health benefits.

Enjoy these green drinks on St. Patrick’s Day, they’ll have you buzzin’ all day long!

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