November 2016

Tiny Ways to Make a Big Impact During the Giving Season

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Tiny Ways to Make a Big Impact During the Giving Season

Hi there! Sarah here of I'm a busy working mom who tries to find time to blog and exercise as part of my much needed "me time." I discovered Jazzercise almost one year ago and am so grateful that I did, especially leading up to the holiday season. While we all get spread just a little too thin around this time of year, it’s important to continue to take care of ourselves and still not forget what the holidays are all about. And as a mom to a young daughter, I feel like this is now more important than ever.

We try to teach our kids to say the appropriate “pleases” and “thank yous,” but now as I’m raising my 5-year-old, I realize how essential it is for her to show her what gratitude looks like, too. Every day I say the same thing to my daughter, “Be kind and do good.” This simple idea is that thoughtful actions and good deeds are easy, but priceless. In anticipation of Thanksgiving, I’m going to do my best to lead by example and give back to those around me.
giving season with jazzercise

There are little things that we can do to make big impacts, not only for our kids and the people we help, but for our own health and well-being too. It might be something as simple as holding the door open for the person behind you, wheeling your neighbor’s trashcan to the curb, giving a compliment rather than just thinking it; or something more tangible, such as volunteering for a local non-profit, giving clothes to a shelter in need, or donating to that Go Fund Me account that really struck a chord.

Positivity and gratitude are not only contagious, but research has proven that giving thanks can even lead to a healthier and happier life. So, even though we are always busy with errands and to-do lists, it’s worth it on so many different levels to pay it forward for our kids, our community, and ourselves – even after the holiday season has passed.

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