July 2019

Stay Hydrated With These 5 Easy Recipes

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Stay Hydrated With These 5 Easy Recipes

Is it hot outside or is it just you?! This may come as no surprise, but it’s definitely both ;) 

We’re in the dog days of summer and we’ve experienced some serious scorchers lately. With temps blazing well above 100 degrees in some states, staying hydrated has never been more important. Add in endless days spent soaking up every last drop of sun—and possibly a couple margaritas—and hydration becomes a topic at the top of everyone’s mind.

According to Forbes Magazine, the key to staying hydrated on hot days is all about making sure you’re replenishing the water in your body as you’re sweating it out. Whether through working out, outdoor activities or running errands on a hot day, your body is constantly losing water and electrolytes that need to be replaced as you go.

Luckily, these super delicious water recipes are here to save the day...or to at least make getting in those eight recommended cups of H20per day a little more exciting to drink. So skip the sugary iced lattes and pour yourself a refreshing glass of water instead. With zero calories and no added sugar, infused waters are a super easy way to meet your daily water goal.

The Basic Recipe:
1. Start with at least 2 quarts of water (double or triple recipe if desired)
2. Wash and slice the ingredients in your flavored water choice
3. Add ingredients to your water bottle or pitcher
4. Refrigerate and enjoy!

Lemon Mint Detox Water: Juice of 2 lemons + mint leaves to taste
Strawberry Cucumber Water: 1 cup strawberries + ½ sliced cucumber
Watermelon Mint Water: 4 cups cubed watermelon + 5 sprigs mint
Apple Cinnamon Water: 2 sliced apples + 4 cinnamon sticks
Grapefruit Basil Water: ½ sliced grapefruit + 3 sprigs basil

Pro-Tip: Buy a super cute tumbler or water bottle and take these with you everywhere you go. Whether you’re back-to-school shopping, hitting the road or plan on spending time outdoors, having water at all times will help ensure you’re getting enough throughout the day.

What’s your favorite way to drink your daily intake of water?

stay hydrated this summer

Pam Birchfield
Thank you for sharing👍
7/26/2022 2:05:56 AM

Love these idea’s
7/21/2022 2:41:44 PM

I like cucumbers sliced with mint leaves as well
7/7/2022 8:20:09 PM

Joycelyn L. Chinn
Cucumber water is another alternative. Just slice up a whole cucumber into a 2 qt. pitcher of water, then put into the fridge to consume in 24 hrs - after 24 hrs discard. Or slice up 4-5 cucumber slices into 1 cup of water to drink. Cucumbers are a good source of Vit. C, potassium & fiber. Regulates blood sugar levels, improve digestion & reduces the risk of heart disease. Keeps eyes healthy & freshens breath too.
7/7/2022 6:27:10 PM

Melody Love Williams
I put a splash of cranberry juice in my water and add a bit of ice!
7/7/2022 5:08:01 PM

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