April 2019

Real Talk: How One Woman Got Fit and Found Her Confidence

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Real Talk: How One Woman Got Fit and Found Her Confidence

A few months ago, we asked our followers to send in their transformation stories and photos. We were expecting to get a few responses, but nothing as awe-inspiring, moving and emotional as what we ended up receiving.

Whether it was an inspiring weight loss success story, someone who had never been a “gym person” before and transformed into a fitness expert, or someone who turned a page on their emotional journey to becoming their best, most confident selves—we loved Every. Single. One.

As soon as we saw Margaux McGlasson’s incredible story we just knew we had to share it with you. We hope you find her as inspirational and motivational as we do!

How did your transformation story begin?  I have struggled with my weight most of my adult life. Having four children (including a set of twins), I would gain weight, try a diet, lose it, then put it right back on again. I knew I had to find something I could stick with long term.

What were some of the first changes you started to make?  I had done Jazzercise in my teens and knew I loved it, so I found a studio and started attending again six years ago. That change lead to eating healthy. I needed fuel to do what I loved—so I started reading up on healthy eating and making better choices. In 2015, I made the decision to become a Jazzercise Instructor so I could share what I love with others. Best decision I ever made!

How much weight have you lost?  Between 2013 and 2019 I have lost 40 pounds and at 41 years old, I am in the best physical shape of my life.

How has Jazzercise played a part in your transformation story?  Honestly, I never liked exercise. I got bored easily and dreaded going to the gym. When I rediscovered Jazzercise, I knew I had found the exercise program I could stick with. Exercise wasn’t a chore anymore! I looked forward to going and getting some “me time,” stress relief, cardio, strength training and social time.

"I stand taller, smile more and I am proud to be me." - Margaux

What is the biggest change you’ve noticed since starting Jazzercise?  Despite the fact that my body has changed and the before and after photos show that, my confidence is what has truly changed. I stand taller, smile more and I am proud to be me. When I’m dancing, life is good. My stress and worries melt away.

What’s your advice to someone just starting out on their transformation journey?  Transformations don’t happen overnight. One healthy change will lead to the next. Start with exercising two to three days a week, then you’ll find that your food choices will change because you feel so good and you only want it to get better. Plus, every person is different—just because someone else sheds 10 pounds in a blink of an eye doesn’t mean you will. It’s all about being healthy, strong and happy!

We are so inspired love Margaux’s beautiful and wise advice. If you have a Jazzercise transformation to story to share, please tell us about it!

Find your confidence in Jazzercise

Thank you for sharing!!! I can relate to this story in so many ways. I hope I can take one of your classes one day!
4/20/2019 4:59:10 PM

Toni Pitruzzello
What a great transformation story! Thanks for sharing!
4/20/2019 2:31:54 PM

Tasha Bass
I love to hear inspiring stories, it gives me hope. Thank you Maraux.
December 23, 2015 I lost my very high stress job, that paid the majority of our household bills. I had some health issues that were getting worse because of the high stress so at the time losing the job was actually a relief. I was in a great deal of pain and the last six month i was working my husband was driving the 45 minute commute to work for me because i was falling asleep while driving. When i lost my job i weighed 313 pounds at 5 foot 10 inches. I have Liver issues, an ankle that had metal plates attached and is always swollen and painful, bad knees due to the weight and many more aches and pains.
The first year i was off i tried losing weight hoping this would help, but i only lost 5 pounds all year. In 2016 i found out i have spurs on my spine and deteriorating disks also, causing the pain in my lower back and neck. May of 2017 a friend of mine ask me to go to Jazzercise, she had been going for a while and she loved it. So i started going even though i was embarrassed because of my weight. In the beginning i was a little discouraged because i was not losing weight and was going to give up. Then the instructor said i was gaining muscles because of the strength classes. I then decided to start measuring my body and charting the results. I measure every few inches starting at my shoulders down to my calves. I was so glad i started measuring because as i seen the numbers changing i realized Jazzercise could work. This maybe what i needed and gradually the pounds started coming off also. I started having a little more energy and by December of 2017 i had lost 20 pounds and 31 inches off my body.
But i was not over my hurdle. I found out finally i have severe sleep Apnea. I stop breathing 86 time an hour and i never go into a deep sleep at night therefore not getting the required oxygen to my brain, i have no energy, fall asleep every time a sit still for a while, get headaches, find it hard to concentrate and have a hard time losing weight. At this point i am thinking it cannot get any worse. Well it did. 2018 was not the year for me. As i struggle with wearing this machine on my face at night and having anxiety attacks because of it. Just so i can try to sleep a few hours a night. In 2018 Jazzercise became a distant thought after being so excited the prior year. In January of 2018 i threw my back out and was down for a while. Then i got a blood infection and was sick, a couple months later i get kidney stones, two weeks later i get the shingles due to my body being under so much stress. A couple months later when i think i might be getting back to normal i get a cyst on my knee and was best friends with the couch for weeks. Lesson learned, never think it cant get any worse. There were many days that i did not have the energy to get out of bed or off the couch i was in so much pain and i sat there with tears coming down my face wondering if this was it for me. Was this how life was going to end for me. As the year ended i started feeling a little bit better and had decided to try Jazzercise again .
January 2019 i had made the commitment to start again. i had gained 7 pounds back in 2018, now weighing 295. So i made my chart for measuring and started back full force. Going 6 days a week and working through the pain. I was determined to not give up, I was hard in the beginning. I had many days that i wanted to not get out of bed because i did not sleep but i knew i did not want to go back again. February i wanted to win that shirt so bad even though i knew it would not fit me i was determined. So i started going two times a day sometimes just in case something happened and i missed some days . I won that shirt and was so excited. I had to make some alterations so i could wear it, but that is fine, because every time i wear that shirt i remember the darkness i was in and how hard i worked to get out of it. Going those days twice a day give me more energy and i felt like i was addicted and could not get enough.
In the last month i am finally sleeping again for the first time in years, i can get through the day with out taking naps, i can tie my own shoes again, i don't have the anxiety attacks or depression like i did just a few short months ago, my liver is not in constant pain and my breathing is getting better.
It is April 19th and i have lost 15 pounds and 25 inches since January. I still go to Jazzercise 6 days a week. Love it and i know i have a long way to go wanting to loose at least 100 more pounds but i am so grateful that i am alive to do it. I am so grateful for that friend that invited me to Jazzercise 2 years ago, i am so grateful for my Jazzercise partner that i started with, I am so grateful for my husband encouraging me and being able to go because of our finances and i am so grateful for the Mariposa Jazzercise instructors with there high spirits and energy and Malina for the support she gives me .
I think Jazzercise is one of the best things that has happened in my life and would encourage everyone to try it.
4/19/2019 10:55:20 PM

I would love to know how and what she eats now. I'm 65 and lost 15 lbs in the past year. I'm just feeling stuck. I seemed to have plateaued and can't seem loose any more weight. I'd like to see another 5 to 10 lbs off and can't see to get there. I attend 2 to 3 Jazzercise classes a week. Thanks! Love this story
4/19/2019 4:52:37 PM

Rhonda Furini
Congrats Margaux on your wonderful achievement from DOWN UNDER !! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
4/17/2019 11:55:44 AM

Aly Bleistine
I love love love Margaux's story. She gets it in regards to self-care! Thanks for sharing her inspiring journey with Jazzercizers everywhere. THIS is why you are 50 years strong! Courage, confidence and community!
4/16/2019 7:47:02 PM

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