March 2018

Glow Up Green Juice Recipe

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Glow Up Green Juice Recipe

We certainly encourage you to eat your greens but sometimes it’s more fun to drink them!  We’re sharing with you our favorite green juice recipe that’s both delicious and nutritious.  It’s super easy to make and an a tasty way to incorporate fiber, vitamins A, C, E, and K, not to mention potassium and calcium!
Pineapple Ginger Drink
1 C filtered water
2 C baby spinach (or any dark leafy greens you prefer)
1 whole Persian cucumber (or half of a large cucumber, peeled and seeded)
6 romaine leaves
1 C frozen pineapple
½ fresh lemon, squeezed
½ inch to 1 inch piece peeled fresh ginger (optional)
Blend everything in a high speed blender for one minute, adding more water if necessary.
What’s your favorite way to get more greens into your diet?
Tell us below!

Coco Cabañas
Love it!!!1
3/2/2023 9:41:18 PM

I'll have to try this recipe!
I make a green smoothie with:
Half a banana
Vanilla sugar free almond mile
Baby spinach
Half an apple
And some frozen mango

I also try to have veggies with every meal & for snacks
3/2/2023 7:31:18 PM

Ruth Lieurance
We have a giant, leafy salad each night for dinner that includes carrots from Native Hill farm-local FC farm, cuke, red or orange pepper , broccoli or whatever veggie we have.
3/2/2023 7:23:21 PM

Christine Bennett
My new fave smoothie:
Half a frozen banana
Large handful of baby spinach leaves
Teaspoon of dehydrated peanut butter
Couple of swigs of almond milk
3/14/2018 12:05:29 AM

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